Almalinux x Rock Linux


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AlmaLinux e Rocky Linux are two independent Linux distributions that emerged as alternatives to CentOS, after the change of direction announced by Red Hat. While both aim to provide a stable, long-term, open source platform for businesses and users, there are subtle differences between the two.


– AlmaLinux was created by CloudLinux, a company known for its stability and security solutions for shared web server hosting.

– AlmaLinux is a direct fork of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), which means it is based on RHEL source code.

– An important thing that catches the attention of all customers who are trying to get an answer to the question AlmaLinux vs rocky Linux is the amount that AlmaLinux must spend on its maintenance, $ 1 million annually. This means that the entire team is determined to ensure that we release thoroughly tested updates and security patches on a regular basis so that users can have the best experience with AlmaLinux.

– The AlmaLinux team is committed to providing long-term security updates and free support, following the traditional Linux distribution model.

– The main goal of AlmaLinux is to provide a RHEL compatible alternative for companies that want to migrate from CentOS to a similar operating system.

Rocky Linux:

– Rocky Linux was started by one of the co-founders of CentOS, Gregory Kurtzer, after the Red Hat announcement. He set out to continue the work of providing a free, open-source, RHEL-compatible distribution.

– Although Rocky Linux is also a fork of RHEL, it is not based directly on RHEL source code, but rather on CentOS 8. So initially it was planned to be a direct continuation of CentOS.

– Like AlmaLinux, Rocky Linux aims to provide long-term security updates and free support for companies and users.

– The Rocky Linux team is also working closely with the community to develop and maintain the distribution.

In summary, both AlmaLinux and Rocky Linux are Linux distributions that aim to provide an alternative to CentOS, offering long-term support and compatibility with RHEL. The main difference is in the organizations behind the distributions and the foundations on which they were built, with AlmaLinux being a direct fork of RHEL and Rocky Linux being a fork of CentOS.